WH-347 Form to Payroll XML Example

Building Up From the Schema

Every well-formed XML file should begin with an XML preamble. This alerts the receiving program that the file should comply with the fundamental rules of XML. It should start in column 1 of the very first line, and generally look exactly like the following:

The XML Preamble
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

This just announces that it is an XML file, following version 1.0 of that specification (which is the currently widely used version), and that the text is encoded in UTF-8. (If you are writing normal English language plain text, you are generally using UTF-8 whether you intended to or not. For special characters and other languages, you need to make sure your software works with this character encoding.)

Immediately following the preamble, the file should have the root element for a Payroll, which is defined in the schema by the following:

Payroll Element Definition
<xs:element name="Payroll" type="PayrollType">
                               <xs:documentation>Base Contractor Payroll </xs:documentation>
                           <xs:complexType name="PayrollType">
                               <xs:extension base="PayrollHeaderType">
                                     <xs:element name="PayrollBenefitPrograms" type="PayrollBenefitProgramPropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
                                     <xs:element name="PayrollEmployees" type="PayrollEmployeePropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>

That's a roundabout way of saying that the element is called Payroll and is of type PayrollType. And that anything of type PayrollType contains something of PayrollHeaderType followed by an optional PayrollBenefitPrograms element and an optional PayrollEmployees element. Based on that, we would expect a valid file, without the optional content, to look something like the following:

Rough Idea of Payroll XML File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                            -- some kind of PayrollHeaderType content here

So what constitutes valid PayrollHeaderType content? That's much simpler, and is defined by:

PayrollHeaderType Definition
<xs:complexType name="PayrollHeaderType">
                               <xs:element name="vendorID" type="xs:string"/>
                               <xs:element name="contractID" type="xs:string"/>
                               <xs:element name="payrollNumber" type="xs:integer"/>
                               <xs:element name="payrollBeginDate" type="xs:date"/>
                               <xs:element name="payrollEndDate" type="xs:date"/>
                               <xs:element name="fringeBenefitPaymentType" type="xs:string"/>
                               <xs:element name="comments" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

That says that PayrollHeaderType is a sequence of seven elements, named vendorID, contractID, and so on, of type xs:string, xs:integer or xs:date. The comments element is optional, signified by the minOccurs="0" attribute. Plugging that in, we might get:

Filling in a Payroll XML File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

That looks good. Let's check it with either the online or downloadable validator.

[Error] xml:2:10: cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'Payroll'.

Well, that's not good. But the declaration of element 'Payroll' is right there in the schema, on line 5. So what's the problem?

It's a little bit tricky. What if multiple schemas each defined an element called Payroll? It might not matter, unless someone tried to use both schemas at once. In that case, the validator (and any other software) would have a problem: which definition's rules should apply? So schemas generally declare a namespace for their definitions. That way, a user can say something like "this Payroll is the one defined in this schema, but that Payroll is different, defined in that schema." That's what happened here. If you look closely at the schema, you'll see the <schema> element has an attribute called targetNamespace whose value is http://www.transxml.net/schema/prl/1.2. And that means that the elements it directly declares, like Payroll, are actually in that namespace.

How is the validator to know that? Well, our XML file can tell it. Add an attribute called xmlns to the Payroll element, and set its value to http://www.transxml.net/schema/prl/1.2, shown below.

XML File with Namespace
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                           <Payroll xmlns="http://www.transxml.net/schema/prl/1.2">

That xmlns attribute announces that this element, and all its descendant elements, should have their names be considered relative to the specified namespace, and not be treated as if they were unqualified names. That should solve the problem with the Payroll element. When run through the validator, we see that the problem has been solved.

The source document is valid Payroll XML.

Now that we have a valid starting point, we can proceed in trying to put a more complete example into Payroll XML in the next section.

Converting from Form WH-347

Now consider a realistic but very simple situation as might be reported on the standard US Department of Labor WH-347 form. (The DOL makes a PDF version of the form and instructions available for download.)

We will work from an example form that you can download here. We will also display snippets from the form as we go.

Start with the minimal example we created in the last section, but with all of the data left blank, as shown below:

Empty XML File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                           <Payroll xmlns="http://www.transxml.net/schema/prl/1.2">

We need to start by filling these values in, from the WH-347 form when possible, but otherwise from other sources we can access. The top of the form has some of the data we need:

picture of WH-347 header

The XML file needs the vendorID, which isn't in the form. Instead, the name of the contractor is provided. We will need to look up or otherwise know what that contractor's DOT-provided vendor number is. Let's assume for the example that it is AC-999. We also need the contractID, which is available in the form. It's 2011-1234. The form also has the payroll number in it (23) and the payroll ending date (06/18/2011). The payroll beginning date is not here, but the form always shows a single week, so can figure out that the beginning date must be 06/12/2011. Finally, there's nothing yet about fringe benefits or comments, but those elements are just strings, which can be blank, so we will skip them for now. Putting those values into the file, we get the following:

Filled in Values
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                           <Payroll xmlns="http://www.transxml.net/schema/prl/1.2">

Let's try to validate this.

[Error] xml:6:51: cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1: '06/12/2011' is not a valid value for 'date'.
                           [Error] xml:6:51: cvc-type.3.1.3: The value '06/12/2011' of element 'payrollBeginDate' is not valid.
                           [Error] xml:7:47: cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1: '06/18/2011' is not a valid value for 'date'.
                           [Error] xml:7:47: cvc-type.3.1.3: The value '06/18/2011' of element 'payrollEndDate' is not valid.

Apparently, our dates are not in an acceptable format. The schema says that they must be of type xs:date. The xs prefix is associated in the declaration with the namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema. The Payroll XML schema includes other schemas, which include others, and so on, and eventually the definition of what xs:date has to look like can be found. Rather than hunting that down, we'll just give the answer. Dates in that format must be written as YYYY-MM-DD. That changes the file to the following:

Fixed Date Format
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                           <Payroll xmlns="http://www.transxml.net/schema/prl/1.2">

The validator checks the file, and tells us that we are okay (so far).

The source document is valid Payroll XML.

But we are not done. The most important information, the actual hours and pay for each employee, need to be entered. All of that is part of one of the optional elements mentioned in the previous section, PayrollEmployees. So we want to add that to the file.

Added Empty Employee List
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                           <Payroll xmlns="http://www.transxml.net/schema/prl/1.2">

When we check it with the validator, we get an error message:

[Error] xml:9:41: cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element 'PayrollEmployees' is not complete.
                                 One of '{"http://www.transxml.net/schema/prl/1.2":PayrollEmployee}' is expected.

So, while the PayrollEmployees element is itself optional, if it is included, it must not be empty. Let's look at the definition of the PayrollEmployees element in the schema. It says it is of type PayrollEmployeePropertyType, so we will look at that definition.

PayrollEmployeePropertyType Definition
<xs:complexType name="PayrollEmployeePropertyType">
                               <xs:element ref="PayrollEmployee" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

That says that anything of this type is a sequence of PayrollEmployee elements. That sequence must have at least one occurrence (which is why the example above was not valid). Our WH-347 form has data for two employees, as shown below:

picture of WH-347 employees

We will need two PayrollEmployee elements, one for John J. Jones and one for Mary M. Smith. So what does a PayrollEmployee look like? The schema says it's of type PayrollEmployeeType, which is defined as follows:

PayrollEmployeeType Definition
<xs:complexType name="PayrollEmployeeType">
                               <xs:element name="lastName" type="xs:string"/>
                               <xs:element name="firstName" type="xs:string"/>
                               <xs:element name="middleInitial" type="xs:string"/>
                               <xs:element name="socialSecurityNumber" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="PartialSsn" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="vendorSuppliedEmployeeID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="gender" type="xs:string"/>
                               <xs:element name="ethnicity" type="xs:string"/>
                               <xs:element name="employeeAddress" type="txl:StreetAddressPropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="changeIndicator" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="salariedEmployeeIndicator" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="comments" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="PayrollEmployeeLabors" type="PayrollEmployeeLaborPropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>

This is again pretty straightforward, for the most part. It is a sequence of 13 elements, many of which are optional. Most of them are of a type we've already encountered, xs:string. But there are some new types here. Any type with a name starting with xs: is a standard XML data type. The only new example here is xs:boolean, which must be either false or true (capitalization is important). There is an element of type PayrollEmployeeLaborPropertyType, which is declared elsewhere in this schema, and which we will get to soon.

But there is an element of type txl:StreetAddressPropertyType. That is a new namespace prefix, txl. To find its definition, look back at the top of the PRL-GML20170101pxs.xsd file. The schema element declares the txl namespace to be http://www.transxml.net/schema/txl/1.0. The rules for that namespace are imported in line 4, which refers to the file TXL-GML20060501pxs.xsd. We will need to look in that file for the definition of that type. And the element with that type, streetAddress, is required, so we can't get much further without it. However, it is not in the form, anyway. So even though it is required, it will have to be obtained elsewhere.

The elements lastName, firstName, middleInitial, and partialSsn clearly correspond to data showing in the form. socialSecurityNumber and vendorSuppliedEmployeeID are each optional and not shown in the form, so we will leave them out (though some agencies might insist that those optional data elements be included for them to process the file). gender and ethnicity are each required, and not in the form, so they will have to be found elsewhere or left as blank string. Even though the types are simply strings, each agency is likely to have their own list of valid values and want those values to be used here. We will assume that we've checked that list and determined that John J. Jones is gender M and ethnicity A, and Mary M. Smith is gender F and ethnicity B. The remaining fields are employeeAddress, which is not in the form, but is required, and optional fields. We may need to fill in some of those optional fields, but for now we will leave them out.

Recall that the employeeAddress field is defined as being of type txl:StreetAddressPropertyType. That type is not defined in our main payroll schema file, PRL-GML20170101pxs.xsd. That's because it is prefixed with the namespace alias txl, which is short for the namespace http://www.transxml.net/schema/txl/1.0. The main schema file imports the definition of that namespace from another file:

Namespace Import
<xs:import namespace="http://www.transxml.net/schema/txl/1.0"

So we have to look at the file TXL-GML20060501pxs.xsd to find this definition:

txl:StreetAddressPropertyType Definition
<xs:complexType name="StreetAddressPropertyType">
                               <xs:element name="StreetAddress" type="StreetAddressType" minOccurs="0"/>
                            <xs:attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>
                           <xs:complexType name="StreetAddressType">
                                  Data Type for a street address.
                               <xs:extension base="gml:AbstractFeatureType">
                                     <xs:element name="street" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
                                     <xs:element name="cityName" type="xs:string"/>
                                     <xs:element name="stateCode" type="xs:string"/>
                                     <xs:element name="postalCodeID" type="xs:string"/>
                                     <xs:element name="postalCodeExtension" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0"/>
                                     <xs:element name="addressCategory" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

Wow. Well, let's take it from the top. Any element of type StreetAddressPropertyType in this namespace consists of a sequence of StreetAddress elements, each of type StreetAddressType. It is legal to have zero elements, according to the schema, but that does not make sense here. We will have a single StreetAddress element. The schema also says that the StreetAddress elements can have XML attributes as defined in yet another namespace, but it turns out that those attributes are all optional, and not important for our use. So far, that means the employeeAddress element we are trying to create will have a single child element, a txl:StreetAddress element. That txl is needed because the schema for that namespace says that every element name must be qualified with the namespace (which is a different rule than our main namespace uses). Note the exact required capitalization of each element name.

So what about each StreetAddress element? That is of type StreetAddressType, which means that it contains one or more elements named street, exactly one element each named cityName, stateCode, and postalCodeID, and optional elements named postalCodeExtension and addressCategory. All of these elements are of type xs:string, except for the postalCodeExtension element which is a type xs:integer.

Let's assume we have found that John J. Jones lives at 123 Main Street, Anytown FL 34567 and Mary M. Smith lives at 456 First Avenue, Anytown FL 345CDE. That gives us most of the data fields. The postalCodeExtension is not available, but the schema makes it optional (some agencies might want it filled in anyway). The addressCategory is also optional, but let's assume that the agency has told us that it uses the code H for home addresses, and fill that in. The element postalCodeID is alphanumeric as shown in the Mary M. Smith example and the element can allow up to 10 characters.

We are not ready to create the final section, but we can start to fill it out, as shown below:

List Employees
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                           <Payroll xmlns="http://www.transxml.net/schema/prl/1.2">
                                        <txl:street>123 Main Street</txl:street>
                                        <txl:street>456 First Avenue</txl:street>

We know this isn't complete, because we have not filled in any optional PayrollEmployeeLabors elements. Even though they are optional, they are much of the point of this effort, and there are hours shown on the WH-347 form. But even though incomplete, is this correct? Let's try this out in one of the validators. And we get the following:

[Fatal Error] xml:18:32: The prefix "txl" for element "txl:StreetAddress" is not bound.

The error is related to namespaces. The prefix txl doesn't seem to mean anything to the validator. Recall that we declared that we were using a particular namespace for the file, defined by the file PRL-GML20170101pxs.xsd. The txl: elements are defined in a separate file, which we need to declare. We could try just adding another xmlns declaration to the file, but that would be ambiguous. Instead, we declare a second namespace and announce that it will be used for elements prefixed with txl:, as shown below. We will actually split the declaration over two lines, which is perfectly allowable in XML.

With both those changes, we have the following file:

Fixed Namespace for Employees
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                           <Payroll xmlns="http://www.transxml.net/schema/prl/1.2"
                                        <txl:street>123 Main Street</txl:street>
                                        <txl:street>456 First Avenue</txl:street>

Sure enough, that fixes it. The validator reports:

The source document is valid Payroll XML.

Let's move to a lower level of detail. Each PayrollEmployee element can have a PayrollEmployeeLabors element of type PayrollEmployeeLaborPropertyType. Information about each employee's labor is certainly on the WH-347 form, so we want to include that element in the XML file. Let's look at the definition of PayrollEmployeeLaborPropertyType:

PayrollEmployeeLaborPropertyType Definition
<xs:complexType name="PayrollEmployeeLaborPropertyType">
                               <xs:element ref="PayrollEmployeeLabor" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
                           <xs:element name="PayrollEmployeeLabor" type="PayrollEmployeeLaborType">
                               <xs:documentation>Base Contractor Payroll Employee Labor</xs:documentation>

The the PayrollEmployeeLabors element just contains a sequence of PayrollEmployeeLabor elements. Each of those elements is of type PayrollEmployeeLaborType.

What does the PayrollEmployeeLaborType define?

PayrollEmployeeLaborType Definition
<xs:complexType name="PayrollEmployeeLaborType">
                               <xs:element name="craftCode" type="xs:string"/>         
                               <xs:element name="laborClass" type="xs:string"/>
                               <xs:element name="projectID" type="xs:string"/>
                               <xs:element name="ojtProgramIndicator" type="xs:boolean"/>
                               <xs:element name="ojtWagePercentage" type="xs:decimal" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="straightTimeHourlyRate" type="txl:CurrencyPropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="overtimeHourlyRate" type="txl:CurrencyPropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="healthWellfareRate" type="txl:CurrencyPropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="vacationHolidayRate" type="txl:CurrencyPropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="apprenticeshipFundRate" type="txl:CurrencyPropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="pensionRate" type="txl:CurrencyPropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="other1Rate" type="txl:CurrencyPropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="other2Rate" type="txl:CurrencyPropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="lumpSumPayment" type="txl:CurrencyPropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="apprentice" type="xs:boolean"/>
                               <xs:element name="apprenticeID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="apprenticeWagePercentage" type="xs:decimal" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="totalHours" type="xs:decimal" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="straightTimeHours" type="xs:decimal" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="overtimeHours" type="xs:decimal" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="grossPay" type="txl:CurrencyPropertyType"/>
                               <xs:element name="totalDeductions" type="txl:CurrencyPropertyType"/>
                               <xs:element name="netPay" type="txl:CurrencyPropertyType"/>
                               <xs:element name="fringeBenefits" type="txl:CurrencyPropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="grossProjectAmountEarned" type="txl:CurrencyPropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="regularHourlyRate" type="txl:CurrencyPropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="totalClassificationSalariedHours" type="xs:decimal" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="salariedHours" type="xs:decimal" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="normalSalary" type="txl:CurrencyPropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="fICAAmount" type="txl:CurrencyPropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="federalWithholdingTaxAmount" type="txl:CurrencyPropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="stateWithholdingTaxAmount" type="txl:CurrencyPropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="medicareAmount" type="txl:CurrencyPropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="PayrollEmployeeLaborHours" type="PayrollEmployeeLaborHourPropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="PayrollEmployeeOtherDeductions" type="PayrollEmployeeOtherDeductionPropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="PayrollEmployeeFringeBenefitExceptions" type="PayrollEmployeeFringeBenefitExceptionPropertyType" minOccurs="0"/>

Wow! It's a sequence of 36 child elements. Luckily, 27 of them are optional, so we will only deal with them if we have matching data on the WH-347 form. The required elements are craftCode, laborClass, projectID, ojtProgramIndicator, apprentice, totalHours, grossPay, totalDeductions, and netPay. There are several unlabeled columns without data that might actually be used in some cases. It's likely that some of the optional elements could be provided in those columns in that case. Let's take a look at the employee section of the WH-347 form again, this time for the full width:

full-width picture of WH-347 employees

The value for totalHours should probably be the sum of the TOTAL HOURS column for straight time and overtime. grossPay is probably the same as the GROSS AMOUNT EARNED column, netPay the same as NET WAGES PAID FOR WEEK, and totalDeductions the same as TOTAL DEDUCTIONS. craftCode is not shown on the form, so we will have to find it elsewhere. Let's assume we did that, and the craftCode for John J. Jones is L-31 and the craftCode for Mary M. Smith is D-83. The laborClass either matches the WORK CLASSIFICATION column or can be derived from it. We will assume that they match in this case. There are some new data types used here. totalHours must be decimal, which is a standard type that represents a decimal number (like 40.0). But the various "pay" elements are all of type txl:CurrencyPropertyType type. For the moment, let's see if those are just simple numbers, too, and come back to if needed.

That leaves three required elements that don't seem to match anything in the form. ojtProgramIndicator and apprentice are each boolean values, but don't show on the form. Just as with gender and ethnicity, we have to get those values elsewhere. For this simple example, we will assume they are both false. The projectID field seems to be for the case where a single contract can have multiple projects. It allows each entry to be for a separate project, such as when a large contract is broken into several projects. This example doesn't do that, so the projectID value will be the same in each entry, and match the overall contractID. Putting these values together with the actual form, the updated XML file now looks like the following:

Add Employee Labor Totals
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                           <Payroll xmlns="http://www.transxml.net/schema/prl/1.2"
                                        <txl:street>123 Main Street</txl:street>
                                        <txl:street>456 First Avenue</txl:street>

Run this through the validator to see if we are on the right track. Apparently, not quite:

[Error] xml:35:44: cvc-complex-type.2.3: Element 'grossPay' cannot have character [children],
                                                                  because the type's content type is element-only.
                           [Error] xml:35:44: cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element 'grossPay' is not complete.
                                                                    One of '{"http://www.transxml.net/schema/txl/1.0":Currency}' is expected.
                           [Error] xml:36:57: cvc-complex-type.2.3: Element 'totalDeductions' cannot have character [children],
                                                                  because the type's content type is element-only.
                           [Error] xml:36:57: cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element 'totalDeductions' is not complete.
                                                                    One of '{"http://www.transxml.net/schema/txl/1.0":Currency}' is expected.
                           [Error] xml:37:40: cvc-complex-type.2.3: Element 'netPay' cannot have character [children],
                                                                  because the type's content type is element-only.
                           [Error] xml:37:40: cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element 'netPay' is not complete.
                                                                    One of '{"http://www.transxml.net/schema/txl/1.0":Currency}' is expected.
                           [Error] xml:65:44: cvc-complex-type.2.3: Element 'grossPay' cannot have character [children],
                                                                  because the type's content type is element-only.
                           [Error] xml:65:44: cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element 'grossPay' is not complete.
                                                                    One of '{"http://www.transxml.net/schema/txl/1.0":Currency}' is expected.
                           [Error] xml:66:57: cvc-complex-type.2.3: Element 'totalDeductions' cannot have character [children],
                                                                  because the type's content type is element-only.
                           [Error] xml:66:57: cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element 'totalDeductions' is not complete.
                                                                    One of '{"http://www.transxml.net/schema/txl/1.0":Currency}' is expected.
                           [Error] xml:67:40: cvc-complex-type.2.3: Element 'netPay' cannot have character [children],
                                                                  because the type's content type is element-only.
                           [Error] xml:67:40: cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element 'netPay' is not complete.
                                                                    One of '{"http://www.transxml.net/schema/txl/1.0":Currency}' is expected.

The six "pay" elements are all rejected. Just putting a number in for something of type txl:CurrencyPropertyType is clearly not allowed. We need to look up the definition of that type, but where is it? Note the namespace prefix of txl, which means we have to look in the file TXL-GML20060501pxs.xsd. Sure enough, CurrencyPropertyType is defined there:

CurrencyPropertyType Definition
<xs:complexType name="CurrencyPropertyType">
                               <xs:element name="Currency" type="CurrencyType"/>
                            <xs:attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>
                           <xs:complexType name="CurrencyType">
                                   Data Type for money which includes the amount, country, and currency units
                               <xs:element name="amount" type="xs:decimal"/>
                               <xs:element name="country" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
                               <xs:element name="currencyUnits" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>

That's pretty daunting. Starting at the top, it says that an element of type CurrencyPropertyType contains a sequence of exactly one element, named Currency. There is something there about an attributeGroup, but we will see if we can work without worrying about that. The Currency element is of type CurrencyType. That in turn contains three child elements, amount, country, and currencyUnits. The last two children are optional, and since this is based on a U.S. federal form, we can figure that U.S. dollars are assumed and leave them out. That leaves just the amount element which is a decimal value, so plain numbers should work.

To fix each of the "pay" elements, instead of just a simple number like 1800.00 we need a Currency child element that contains an amount child element, which can contain the decimal number (1800.00 in this example). Both those new elements are defined as being in the namespace http://www.transxml.net/schema/txl/1.0. So we must change the various "pay" elements' values to contain the proper nested elements. For example, change the first grossPay as follows:


Corrected Currency
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                           <Payroll xmlns="http://www.transxml.net/schema/prl/1.2"
                                        <txl:street>123 Main Street</txl:street>
                                        <txl:street>456 First Avenue</txl:street>

And we are back to having a valid file:

The source document is valid Payroll XML.

If only we were done. But there is important information entered in the WH-347 form that is not yet in the XML file. Some of that is optional data similar to what is already handled, namely the straightTimeHourlyRate, overtimeHourlyRate, straightTimeHours, overtimeHours, fICAAmount, and federalWithholdingTaxAmount elements. And we will interpret regularHourlyRate as being the same as straightTimeHourlyRate. Adding them to the file gives us:

Added Optional Fields
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                                        <txl:street>123 Main Street</txl:street>
                                        <txl:street>456 First Avenue</txl:street>

That is still valid, and all that is left to enter from the form are the hours worked each day. Those are part of the optional PayrollEmployeeLaborHours child element of the PayrollEmployeeLabor element. That element is of type PayrollEmployeeLaborHourPropertyType, defined as follows:

PayrollEmployeeLaborHourPropertyType Definition
<xs:complexType name="PayrollEmployeeLaborHourPropertyType">
                               <xs:element ref="PayrollEmployeeLaborHour" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
                           <xs:element name="PayrollEmployeeLaborHour" type="PayrollEmployeeLaborHourType">
                               <xs:documentation>Base Contractor Payroll Employee Labor Hour</xs:documentation>
                           <xs:complexType name="PayrollEmployeeLaborHourType">
                               <xs:element name="laborHourDate" type="xs:date"/>
                                  <xs:element name="hourlyHours">
                                           <xs:element name="straightTimeHours" type="xs:decimal"/>
                                           <xs:element name="overtimeHours" type="xs:decimal" minOccurs="0"/>
                                  <xs:element name="salariedEmployeeHours" type="xs:decimal"/>

That says that the contents of this element is a sequence of one or more PayrollEmployeeLaborHour elements, and each of those contain a laborHourDate element and then either an hourlyHours element or a salariedEmployeeHours element. If there is an hourlyHours element, it contains a straightTimeHours child element and an optional overtimeHours child element.

The sample WH-347 form does not make it clear whether the employees are salaried or hourly, but we will assume they are all hourly. In that case, it is pretty clear how to map the form to these elements. One question is whether a date without hours for an employee should result in a PayrollEmployeeHour element with only a laborHourDate child, or should simply be omitted. We will omit it and only create PayrollEmployeeLaborHour elements if the employee shows time worked that day.

All Data from WH-347 in XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                                        <txl:street>123 Main Street</txl:street>
                                        <txl:street>456 First Avenue</txl:street>

When we try that out in the validator, we get:

The source document is valid Payroll XML.

You will have noted that there were many judgment calls made here, and some could have gone differently. You will have to decide what works best in your situation based on what your state agency expects and the data you have available.